Why maintenance personnel need to be properly trained
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“Reasons related to both the technological and managerial spheres make maintenance an increasingly complex discipline. This requires a more structured and recognized qualification of the responsible personnel, to the extent that the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) has developed a specific standard (EN 15628:2014 ‘Maintenance – Qualification of maintenance personnel’) to specify the qualification of personnel in relation to the tasks to be performed in the maintenance of plants, infrastructure, and production systems.
The UNI EN 15628:2014 standard
The standard has also been adopted in Italy by UNI (UNI EN 15628:2014) and serves as a guide to define the knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary for the qualification of maintenance personnel. The standard is addressed to both maintenance companies (maintenance providers) operating on behalf of third parties, and to complex organizations (maintenance users) that have a specific maintenance function within their structure.
The standard addresses the following professional figures in the maintenance organization:
- Maintenance specialist technician (Level 1 qualification);
- Maintenance work supervisor and/or maintenance engineer (Level 2 qualification);
- Maintenance manager/supervisor (Level 3 qualification).
These aspects become even more relevant when considering the obligations outlined in the Consolidated Safety Act (Legislative Decree 81/2008), which highlights the civil and criminal responsibilities of supervisors and managers of organizations commissioning maintenance activities, towards the workers of contracting organizations. On the side of maintenance providers, EN 15628 can instead serve as a means to better define and organize their maintenance resources and also as a tool to guarantee the services provided.
We will soon publish all the details of the Course. However, anyone who wants to learn more and better understand the activities of Tecno Electric Academy can write to formazione@te-srl.it
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